VET Mobility Safeguarding Quality Charter for Europe

The VET SQUARED (VET^2) project focuses on the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, with a specific focus on an area of VET which is largely overlooked as a topic relating to HR or organisational policy and management, and generally integrated as a small part of operational policy and compliance measures.


Project Title

VET Mobility Safeguarding Quality Charter for Europe


        16/11/2020 – 15/05/2023       

Project ID


“The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth”
Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus

project objectives

  • To implement the safeguarding best practices amongst VET mobility organisations on a wider, pan-European scale.
  • To develop a holistic, European strategy for effective safeguarding and promotion of quality mobility of VET learners under the age of 18.
  • To lay the foundations for the implementation and uptake of a single European VET Mobility Safeguarding Policy at a higher/systemic level.
  • To raise awareness of the importance and ongoing need for safeguarding awareness and review within mobility activities.
  • To cultivate a European VET Mobility safeguarding focused network through which VET mobility staff and coordinators from both host and receiving organisations can share and exchange resources, knowledge and good practices.


The project target group is Key Action 1 VET mobility organisations and the professional involved in leading VET mobility groups.

intellectual outputs

O1: VET Mobility Safeguarding Quality Charter

This output will develop a Safeguarding Charter which will set out the minimum requirements that VET institutions need to meet in order to consider themselves safeguarding focused.

O3: VET Mobility Safeguarding in European VET Mobility e-Learning Platform

The VET^2 Platform will comprise two core parts. Technical Development: The platform will be developed so that it can be used across a variety of devices, and Content Development.

VET O2: Mobility Safeguarding Benchmarking Tool

This output will create an interactive benchmarking tool for use by VET professionals seeking to understand to what extent their organisation is achieving safeguarding standards.

O4: VET Mobility Safeguarding Policy Report

This output will produce an evidence-based impact assessment report which will present the feedback gathered from each of the piloting phases and stakeholder engagement activities, an analysis of the findings and give policy recommendations based on the assessed impact at local, regional, national and European level.


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.