VET^2 Mobility Safeguarding Policy Report

This report analyses the feedback from VET2 piloting phases and activities and provides policy recommendations at local, regional, national, and European levels. It synthesises the various results, conclusions, and recommendations from the project lifespan into an evidence-based report and outlines the potential impacts that could be achieved through a longer-term implementation plan.

The report includes conclusions about:

  1. The overall success of the VET^2 project
  2. The feasibility of linking the project’s safeguarding tools with wider local, regional, and national mobility activities
  3. Recommendations for further improvements to support the embedding of the IO1 Safeguarding Quality Charter for end users and VET institutions
  4. Technical challenges in building the IO3 platform and their potential solutions
  5. Recommendations on how the IO1 Charter can be mainstreamed on a pan-European scale
  6. Policy recommendations aimed at European-level policymakers

The Report


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